Saturday, April 9, 2011

Aspartame Is Not a Safe Supplement for Diabetes

Ronnie Dodge tells his story about how he lost his wife Rosemary Dodge to a Brain Tumor caused by Aspartame from Diet Coke

Astoundingly, Big Pharma claims that because aspartame has no calories, it is therefore an appropriate dietary supplement for diabetics.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.
     Aspartame is particularly toxic for diabetics because it disrupts the body's normal response to glucose, which is to cause the pancreas to release insulin.  The main symptom of diabetes is high blood sugar due to insulin disregulation. Therefore, aspartame is doing exactly the opposite of what diabetics need.
     Unfortunately, even the American Diabetic Association has fallen for this propaganda, and has accepted the idea that aspartame is a suitable sugar substitute for diabetics.
     The bottom line: Aspartame is not safe for diabetics or anyone else.  All sources of aspartame sweetener need to be avoided.

Check out this link:  Diet Coke Debate over health issues from Wikipedia     

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