Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stress/Acid reflux/The Purple Pill!!

Acid reflux - a huge problem in todays world, and of course there are many contributing factors as what causes this problem for so many.  The explanation is long, so, I will try to be brief and give you the short version.
          We often hear how "stress" is damaging to our health.  We hear the word stress so often that I believe we fail to acknowledge just how powerful stress is in keeping us unhealthy. (More about the power of stress another time).
          Stress is one of the contributing factors for acid reflux/heartburn etc. Stress decreases muscle tone around the lower esophagus, because that requires blood and energy (which we are using to fight or flee). The acid in the stomach washes back up into the esophagus damaging the lining.  These cells get repeatedly damaged causing pain and eventually ulcers or cancer, and so perpetuating the acid bath.
          The medical solution is the purple pill to stop the acid. This actually works quite effectively, however, the problem is that the acid is needed to digest food. Acid also functions to kill bacteria that we've ingested with food.  In masking the symptoms we've created two new problems.  The extra bacterial load burdens the immune system.  The food remains in the stomach longer until the stomach produces enough acid to digest it, but now there's a longer exposure period of the acid to the esophagus. This process becomes a vicious cycle, so, the question is, do we want to mask the symptoms or heal the source?
          Obviously, we would rather heal the source, and, hopefully, you can now see that the source is "stress" and the little purple pill is not your friend.
          My advice always to my clients is, start being a friend to yourself and start the healing process.  Learning how to relieve your stress is key to your good health - keep your eyes on my blog for simple easy steps and healthy tools to gain relief.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sucralose: No Beter Than Aspartame

Sucralose is another widely used artificial sweetener (marketed under the brand name Splenda) that represents a multi-million-dollar product for the Big Pharma cartel.  Though there have been no long-term studies on the safety of sucralose (and I doubt there ever will be), animal studies have shown that it is associated with reduced growth rate in newborns and adults, anemia thyroid problems, mineral deficiencies (particularly magnesium), and various organ problems.
     Ingesting large amounts of sucralose could result in severe iodine deficiency.  Iodine deficiency leads to thyroid problems affecting your whole endocrine function. (It's no wonder we have a huge amount of people having thyroid surgery).
     You should never ingest heated sucralose, and be sure the product was never heated in it's manufacturing or storage process.  Better yet, just avoid it.
     The truth is, no artificial sweetener has ever been shown to reverse or prevent obesity. In fact, these substances trick the brain into thinking glucose is coming into the body.  If glucose were ingested, it would result in leptin and other hormones being released to cause the brain to be satiated.  When no glucose appears, a message is sent to eat more.  Therefore, these artificial sweeteners actually make weight loss more difficult.
                                                  Healthy Sweetener Alternatives
     Raw honey - which is completely unfiltered, unheated, and unprocessed - is an excellent natural alternative sweetener that is packed with enzymes and other nutrients.  Honey loses many of its nutrients when it is heated and filtered to give it a clear appearance. Raw honey can help with digestion problems and boost appetite. Other uses is to treat ulcers and acidity.
     Stevia is an herb native to subtropical and tropical regions from western North America to South America.  As a sweetener and sugar substitute, stevia's taste has a slower onset and longer duration than sugar.  Unlike artificial sweeteners, it does not spike the blood sugar and cause an insulin reaction.  Stevia is many times sweeter than sugar, so it is best consumed in small quantities.
     Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar substitute that can be found in berries, fruit, vegetables, and mushrooms.  The pure version is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar.
Tip Of The Day: -  Sprinkle Equal onto a grease stain, blow excess, sprinkle again and leave until ready to launder. Keep a packet or two in your purse or pocket. It is good for one thing!

Aspartame Is Not a Safe Supplement for Diabetes

Ronnie Dodge tells his story about how he lost his wife Rosemary Dodge to a Brain Tumor caused by Aspartame from Diet Coke

Astoundingly, Big Pharma claims that because aspartame has no calories, it is therefore an appropriate dietary supplement for diabetics.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.
     Aspartame is particularly toxic for diabetics because it disrupts the body's normal response to glucose, which is to cause the pancreas to release insulin.  The main symptom of diabetes is high blood sugar due to insulin disregulation. Therefore, aspartame is doing exactly the opposite of what diabetics need.
     Unfortunately, even the American Diabetic Association has fallen for this propaganda, and has accepted the idea that aspartame is a suitable sugar substitute for diabetics.
     The bottom line: Aspartame is not safe for diabetics or anyone else.  All sources of aspartame sweetener need to be avoided.

Check out this link:  Diet Coke Debate over health issues from Wikipedia     

Friday, April 8, 2011


Nettle grows up to four feet tall and has toothed, pointed leaves that sting when touched. In spite of of its stinging, Nettles are of considerable use in many ways. Nettle is used in cooking, and once cooked they lose their sting. Cook as you would spinach and use in salads. A great source of vitamins A and C, iron and a variety of other minerals.

A cup of warm water followed by a cup of nettle tea first thing in the morning will get you going in the bowel department-Nettle also cleanses the liver and helps keep infections at bay. Two cups a day should keep you as regular as clock work. I find a cup in the middle of the day is a great pick me up too. And for those with oily skin, implement Nettle tea to your daily regimen and you will see a marked improvement, so, afternoon tea should be a delight. Add honey or lemon for a refreshing taste.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Beans....? or....Gas.....?

Often we avoid eating beans for fear of the embarrassing moments and feeling bloated.  Although they are a great source of protein they tend to cause gas for many people, so, for the most part we avoid them like the plague. However, did you know that adding a little seaweed to the cooking pot will eliminate the gasses!! So, for those that have missed the nutritional benefits of the "bean", you can now enjoy without fear of those embarrassing moments:-)

Alzheimer's Reversal?

I've been a great proponent of Coconut Oil for many years, both for cooking and as a skin moisturizer. I keep one in my kitchen and one in my bathroom. I just love it! Let me ad quickly though before I move on, my preference is the regular Organic vs the extra virgin (that one has a smell and a taste) I drive my friends crazy with the benefits of this and can't figure out why they continue to cook with Olive Oil?? Recent studies have proven that three tablespoons a day of Coconut Oil can reverse Alzheimers - Wow, great news. Thank you Dr. Oz for bringing this to the public and allowing my friends and clients to hear what I've been preaching for years.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Did you know that any red spice you use for cooking should be refrigerated to prevent the growth of "worms"? Hmmm.....yet another piece of useless  information - well, usleess util you play trivial pursuit!!